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DYOGEN group

web-code version: 2021-08-15
database version: 110.01
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50 results with query «szl». Choose your reference gene, or start a new search
In Tetrapodes:
szl (ENSXETG00000022260) present in Frog Frog
In Other chordates:
szl (ENSSGRG00000050931) present in Golden-line barbel Golden-line barbel
szl (ENSSGRG00000012180) present in Golden-line barbel Golden-line barbel
szl (ENSOKIG00005032386) present in Coho salmon Coho salmon
szl (ENSGACG00000003997) present in Stickleback Stickleback
szl (ENSDCDG00000030670) present in Denticle herring Denticle herring
szl (ENSONIG00000008765) present in Nile tilapia Nile tilapia
szl (ENSPNYG00000006085) present in P. nyererei P. nyererei
szl (ENSPNAG00000017488) present in Red-bellied piranha Red-bellied piranha
szl (ENSLCRG00005017017) present in Large yellow croaker Large yellow croaker
szl (ENSSDUG00000023113) present in Greater amberjack Greater amberjack
szl (ENSNFUG00015024815) present in Turquoise killifish Turquoise killifish
szl (ENSMZEG00005008769) present in Zebra mbuna Zebra mbuna
szl (ENSOJAG00000015702) present in Javanese ricefish Javanese ricefish
szl (ENSCGOG00000021502) present in Channel bull blenny Channel bull blenny
szl (ENSIPUG00000015038) present in Channel catfish Channel catfish
szl (ENSOSIG00000006933) present in Chinese medaka Chinese medaka
szl (ENSCLMG00005019969) present in Lumpfish Lumpfish
szl (ENSLBEG00000012889) present in Ballan wrasse Ballan wrasse
szl (ENSELUG00000009294) present in Northern pike Northern pike
szl (ENSTRUG00000016691) present in Fugu Fugu
szl (ENSSLUG00000009139) present in Pike perch Pike perch
szl (ENSHHUG00000025925) present in Huchen Huchen
szl (ENSHHUG00000028525) present in Huchen Huchen
szl (ENSCVAG00000002661) present in Sheepshead minnow Sheepshead minnow
szl (ENSHCOG00000005664) present in Tiger tail seahorse Tiger tail seahorse
szl (ENSCCRG00000029295) present in Common carp reference Common carp reference
szl (ENSCCRG00000031248) present in Common carp reference Common carp reference
szl (ENSPLAG00000020507) present in Sailfin molly Sailfin molly
szl (ENSBSLG00000025056) present in Siamese fighting fish Siamese fighting fish
szl (ENSTNIG00000015978) present in Tetraodon Tetraodon
szl (ENSAMXG00000014533) present in Mexicana tetra Mexicana tetra
szl (ENSCARG00000057044) present in Goldfish Goldfish
szl (ENSCARG00000014419) present in Goldfish Goldfish
szl (ENSLACG00000016352) present in Coelacanth Coelacanth
szl (ENSECRG00000001811) present in Reedfish Reedfish
szl (ENSSFOG00015005882) present in Asian bonytongue Asian bonytongue
szl (ENSEEEG00000019774) present in Electric eel Electric eel
szl (ENSSPAG00000021967) present in Bicolor damselfish Bicolor damselfish
szl (ENSACLG00000027030) present in Eastern happy Eastern happy
szl (ENSAPOG00000010482) present in Spiny chromis Spiny chromis
szl (ENSCSEG00000007381) present in Tongue sole Tongue sole
szl (ENSPKIG00000022750) present in P. kingsleyae P. kingsleyae
szl (ENSKMAG00000009631) present in Mangrove rivulus Mangrove rivulus
szl (ENSAOCG00000004219) present in Clown anemonefish Clown anemonefish
szl (ENSXMAG00000004694) present in Platyfish Platyfish
szl (ENSPFOG00000008307) present in Amazon molly Amazon molly
szl (ENSOMEG00000009356) present in Indian medaka Indian medaka
szl (ENSSLDG00000023164) present in Yellowtail amberjack Yellowtail amberjack
szl (ENSOTSG00005021141) present in Chinook salmon Chinook salmon

Advanced Options
-evalue <Real>
Expectation value (E) threshold for saving hits
Default = '10'
-word_size <Integer, >=2>
Word size for wordfinder algorithm
Default = '3'
-gapopen <Integer>
Cost to open a gap
Default = '11'
-gapextend <Integer>
Cost to extend a gap
Default = '1'
-matrix <String>
Scoring matrix name (normally BLOSUM62)
-threshold <Real, >=0>
Minimum word score such that the word is added to the BLAST lookup table
Default = '11'
-window_size <Integer, >=0>
Multiple hits window size, use 0 to specify 1-hit algorithm
Default = '40'